Unemployment rates were lower in January in 5 states, higher in 2 states and the District of Columbia, and stable in 43 states, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Fifteen states and the District had jobless rate decreases from a year earlier, 11 states had increases, and 24 states had little change. The national unemployment rate, 3.4 percent, was little changed over the month, but was 0.6 percentage point lower than in January 2022.
Nonfarm payroll employment increased in 20 states and was essentially unchanged in 30 states and the District of Columbia in January 2023. Over the year, non farm payroll employment increased in 47 states and was essentially unchanged in 3 states and the District.
This news release presents statistics from two monthly programs. The civilian laborforce and unemployment data are modeled based largely on a survey of households. These data pertain to individuals by where they reside. The employment data arefrom an establishment survey that measures nonfarm employment, hours, and earningsby industry. These data pertain to jobs on payrolls defined by where the establishmentsare located. For more information about the concepts and statistical methodologies used by these two programs, see the Technical Note.
North Dakota and South Dakota had the lowest jobless rates in January, 2.1 percent each.The next lowest rates were in Utah, 2.4 percent, and Montana and Nebraska, 2.5 percenteach. Nevada had the highest unemployment rate, 5.5 percent. In total, 13 states hadunemployment rates lower than the U.S. figure of 3.4 percent, 11 states and the Districtof Columbia had higher rates, and 26 states had rates that were not appreciably differentfrom that of the nation.
In January, five states had over-the-month unemployment rate decreases, the largest of which were in Arizona and Nebraska (-0.2 percentage point each). Two states and the District of Columbia had over-the-month increases, the largest of which was in the District(+0.2 percentage point). Forty-three states had jobless rates that were not notably different from those of a month earlier, though some had changes that were at least aslarge numerically as the significant changes
Fifteen states and the District of Columbia had unemployment rate decreases from January2022, the largest of which was in New Mexico (-1.9 percentage points), followed by NewJersey (-1.7 points) and the District (-1.6 points). Eleven states had over-the-year rateincreases, the largest of which was in Oregon (+1.0 percentage point).
Nonfarm Payroll Employment
Nonfarm payroll employment increased in 20 states and was essentially unchanged in 30 states and the District of Columbia in January 2023. The largest job gains occurred inCalifornia (+96,700), Texas (+48,600), and Florida (+30,000). The largest percentageincreases occurred in Arizona and Tennessee (+0.7 percent each), followed by Kansas, NewHampshire, New Jersey, and New Mexico (+0.6 percent each).
Over the year, nonfarm payroll employment increased in 47 states and was essentiallyunchanged in 3 states and the District of Columbia. The largest job increases occurredin Texas (+654,100), California (+599,500), and Florida (+448,900). The largest percentageincreases occurred in Nevada (+6.0 percent), Texas (+5.0 percent), and Florida (+4.9 percent).
Original source can be found here