In Case You Missed It, Education and the Workforce Committee Chairwoman Virginia Foxx (R-NC) and Committee Republicans celebrated National Career and Technical Education (CTE) Month, highlighting the important role that CTE programs play in developing America’s next generation of workers. According to a recent jobs report from the National Federation of Independent Business, 91 percent of business owners trying to hire reported few or no qualified applicants for the positions they were trying to fill. CTE plays a critical role in our education-to-workforce pipeline – helping workers, job creators, and our economy to flourish.
Learn more about what Committee Members are saying about career and technical education programs:
Chairwoman Virginia Foxx (NC-05)
Advances in technology and the growth of a global economy have dramatically changed the kinds of jobs that are available, making high-quality education and skills development vital to competing in today’s workplaces.
“My younger brother knew that a traditional college degree wasn’t for him, so he decided to pursue a career as a carpenter.
“CTE programs help to close the skills gap and provide students with the tools to fill in-demand jobs.”
Rep. Glenn ‘GT’ Thompson (PA-15)
“My appreciation for CTE came at an early age. My father went through a CTE program which led him to a job as a tool and die maker. … CTE programs work to develop America’s most valuable resource: its people.”
Rep. Erin Houchin (IN-09)
“In Indiana, we have amazing career and technical education opportunities. … We’ve seen the signs all across the district: ‘now hiring’ … We’re going to be digging in on this Committee to try and address this workforce shortage.”
Rep. John James (MI-10)
“I was so excited to meet dozens of high school students just a couple days ago in my own district who are filling the talent gap with their CTE achievements. … These are the careers that build America.”
Rep. Lloyd Smucker (PA-11)
“Throughout my travels across Pennsylvania’s 11th District visiting with small business owners, the number one issue I hear from them is the need for qualified employees. Career and technical education is critical to the success of future generations of Americans.”
Rep. Aaron Bean (FL-04)
“Where would we be without career and technical programs? The answer is: in the dark. … We salute all of the CTE programs that prepare students for the future.”
Rep. Glenn Grothman (WI-06)
“Parents and grandparents, steer your children towards a career in technical college education. … whether you go into nursing, criminal justice, electrical, heating and air-conditioning, or computers, you will frequently find that your technical college degree will be worth more.”
Rep. Kevin Kiley (CA-03)
“I’m a big supporter of career education. … In my own district, there are a number of innovative programs that provide tremendous opportunities to students every day.”
Original source can be found here