Today, Education and the Workforce Committee Chairwoman Virginia Foxx (R-NC) sent a letter to Acting Secretary Julie Su requesting she testify before the Committee and fulfill her obligation to be accountable to the American people. This letter follows a rejection by DOL officials of a request to have Acting-Secretary Su appear before the Committee before June. Chairwoman Foxx also highlights Su’s destructive agenda at DOL and its lack of results for taxpayers, saying that she must answer to Congress for the Department’s alarming record.
In the letter, Foxx writes: “Oversight of DOL and your management of the agency is critically needed. Not only are you seeking to be the next Secretary of Labor, but you have also held a senior leadership role at the Department since July 2021. During that time, DOL has pursued a destructive agenda that stifled economic growth with more regulations and red tape, produced fewer results for workers and employers, and ballooned costs at the expense of the American taxpayer. DOL has also been unresponsive to the committee’s oversight requests. It is critical for Committee Members to question you about this alarming record."
Foxx continues: “[D]uring your tenure as Deputy Secretary and as Acting Secretary, the Department has demonstrated a lack of respect for inquiries made by Congress. For example, in one of my first acts as chairwoman, I wrote to the Department to re-open nine inquiries made by House and Senate Republicans during the 117th Congress. However, DOL’s response failed to provide complete answers to any of these inquiries. To date, the Department has provided none of the requested documents or materials included in the inquiries that I resubmitted."
Foxx concludes: “For all these reasons, it is important that the Committee hold a hearing to review DOL’s previous and ongoing work and to evaluate your performance as a leader of the agency."
Read the full letter here.