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US Department of Labor, WeCount! align to educate vulnerable agricultural, construction, domestic workers in South Florida on workplace safety, health



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The following news brief was published by the Occupational Safety & Health Administration on April 13. It is reproduced in full below.

Participants: U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration and WeCount!

What: Safety alliance agreement

Background: OSHA and WeCount! - a worker advocacy group for low-wage immigrant workers and families - have signed an alliance to promote workplace safety, health and education for agricultural, construction and domestic workers in South Florida. The alliance will focus on providing information, guidance and access to training resources to help them protect vulnerable workers by reducing and preventing exposure to hazards and educating workers about their rights.

The alliance will allow the two organizations to use available injury, illness and hazard exposure data to help identify areas of emphasis for awareness, outreach and communication activities. It will also address ongoing safety and health trends in the workplace and promote workers’ rights and employers’ responsibilities under the Occupational Safety and Health Act.

WeCount! members are agricultural workers, construction workers and domestic workers seeking to build the power of immigrant workers and families through education, leadership development and campaigns to win better living and working conditions for all.

OSHA’s Alliance Program enables the agency to develop voluntary, collaborative working relationships with organizations that are committed to workplace safety and health. Through the Alliance Program, OSHA works with organizations such as trade and professional associations, labor unions, educational institutions, community and faith-based groups, and government agencies to share information about OSHA’s initiatives and compliance assistance resources with workers and employers, and educate workers and employers about their rights and responsibilities. Learn more about OSHA’s Alliance Program.

Quote: “Our alliance with WeCount! reflects our shared interest in making sure workers return home safely to their families and friends at the end of every workday," said OSHA Area Director Condell Eastmond in Fort Lauderdale. “Relationships with community organizations are essential, especially in reaching vulnerable worker populations."

Source: Occupational Safety & Health Administration



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