WASHINGTON - The U.S. Department of Labor today announced an incremental award of $90,188 to the Massachusetts Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development to provide continued reemployment and training services to people in the Lower Merrimack Valley affected by manufacturing industry layoffs.
Previously, the department announced the award of a National Dislocated Worker Grant of up to $1,815,625 - with an initial award of $800,000 - to support employment and training services for individuals affected by the closures of Southwick, Philips North America and 3M Touch Systems manufacturing companies. In March 2023, after the loss of a major contract by apparel maker 99-Degrees led to layoffs, the affected workers there became eligible for services.
National Dislocated Workers Grants - supported by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014 - provide a state or local board with funding for direct services and assistance in areas experiencing a major economic dislocation event, such as layoffs from companies in the same industry that lead to workforce needs exceeding available resources.
Administered by the department’s Employee and Training Administration, the latest funding from the National Dislocated Worker Grant will support continued job search assistance and follow-up services for active participants affected by manufacturing layoffs in the Lower Merrimack Valley of Massachusetts. With today’s announcement, the total awarded for the project to date is $890,188.