The committee advises OSHA on maritime issues relevant to the safety and health of employees in the maritime industry that will result in more effective enforcement, training, outreach programs and streamlined regulatory efforts.
Members will serve two-year terms beginning April 13, 2023. They represent the interests of workers, employers, occupational safety and health professional organizations, and government. The committee meets twice a year.
The appointees and their areas of expertise are as follows:
Employee Organizations:
- Aaron Arabaski, Noble Drilling
- Robert Fiore, International Longshoremen's Association
- Michael Oathout, International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers
- Adam Wetzell, International Longshore and Warehouse Union
- Solomon Egbe, National Maritime Safety Association
- Amy Liu, Sound Testing Inc.
- John Ratcliffe, Virginia International Terminals LLC
- David Turner, Yusen Terminals LLC
- Thresa Nelson, American Industrial Hygiene Association
- Donald V. Raffo, Marine Chemist Association
- Lawrence Russell, National Fire Protection Association
- John Goering, U.S. Department of Transportation, Maritime Administration
- James Rone, Washington State Department of Labor and Industries
- Alice Shumate, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
- David Ward, U.S. Coast Guard
- Christopher Godfrey, Office of Workers' Compensation Programs, U.S. Department of Labor
Original source can be found here