OSHA recognizes Phillips 66’s Casper, Wyoming worksite for 10 years of continuous participation in agency’s Voluntary Protection Programs
Participant: Phillips 66 Bulk Petroleum Storage Facility and Terminal
Casper, Wyoming
What: OSHA Region VIII Voluntary Protection Programs’ Decades of Excellence Award
When: June 7, 2023
Where: Region VIII VPP Participants Association Networking and Best Practice Sharing event, Church Ranch Events Center, Westminster, Colorado
Background: The Phillips 66 Bulk Petroleum Storage Facility and Terminal has completed 10 years of continuous participation in OSHA’s Voluntary Protection Program. OSHA in Denver is recognizing the Casper site for its achievement in reaching this milestone.
OSHA's Voluntary Protection Programs recognize and promote effective worksite-based safety and health management systems. In the VPP, management, labor and OSHA establish cooperative relationships at workplaces that use comprehensive safety and health management systems. VPP designation is OSHA's official recognition of the outstanding efforts of employers and employees who have created exemplary worksite safety and health management systems.
Quote: "Ten years of continuous participation in the OSHA Voluntary Protections Program is a tremendous accomplishment. The employees and managers of Phillips 66 in Casper should be quite proud. They are a model for safety excellence in our region," said OSHA Regional Administrator Jennifer S. Rous in Denver.
"Phillips 66 Casper Station’s achievement as a Decades of Excellence Award recipient is significant. As a bulk petroleum station and terminal, this site succeeds in handling unique situations and hazards by combining an incredibly strong work ethic, communication and passion for the safety and health of employees and contractors. The site sets an extraordinarily high standard by continuously earning its VPP STAR award status with superior injury and illness rates," said Wyoming OSHA Deputy Administrator Karen Bebensee in Cheyenne.
Learn more about OSHA.
Media Contacts:
Michael Petersen, 415-625-2630, petersen.michael.w@dol.gov
Jose Carnevali, 415-625-2631, carnevali.jose@dol.gov
Release Number: 23-1251-DEN