Tomorrow, June 13, at 4 p.m., the Education and the Workforce Committee will hold a markup to consider H.R. 824, the Telehealth Benefit Expansion for Workers Act of 2023, and H.R. 3941, the Schools Not Shelters Act.
“The consideration of these two bills is an extension of the markup we held earlier this month. The Telehealth Benefit Expansion for Workers Act of 2023 accounts for changes in the health care landscape by delivering increased access to care from the comfort of home," said Education and the Workforce Committee Chairwoman Virginia Foxx (R-NC). “The second bill, the Schools Not Shelters Act, prohibits public K-12 and postsecondary education facilities from receiving federal financial assistance if they are used as emergency housing for migrants, rather than for educating students."
Markup of H.R. 824, Telehealth Benefit Expansion for Workers Act of 2023, and H.R. 3941, the Schools Not Shelters Act
4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 13, 2023
2175 Rayburn House Office Building
The meeting is open to the press and will be live-streamed on the Committee's YouTube page. For media wishing to film, please contact Nick Barley at