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US Department of Labor renews 'Star Level' designation of Raytheon Co. site in Tewksbury for workplace safety, health achievements

Workplace Safety



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The following press release was published by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration on June 13. It is reproduced in full below.

US Department of Labor renews 'Star Level' designation of Raytheon Co. site in Tewksbury for workplace safety, health achievements

Product testing, design center maintains safety distinction since 2010

Participant: Raytheon Company

Tewksbury, Massachusetts

Description: Raytheon employs about 3,200 workers at its Tewksbury product testing and design center. The center includes engineering support laboratories for integrated defense systems.

Duration: OSHA first recognized the facility in 2010 as a "Star" site, the highest level of recognition the agency's Voluntary Protection Programs offers. The facility earned its latest VPP star renewal after a team of OSHA safety and health experts evaluated the site in January 2023.

Background: OSHA's Voluntary Protection Programs recognize and promote effective worksite-based safety and health management systems. In the VPP, management, labor and OSHA establish cooperative relationships at workplaces that use comprehensive safety and health management systems. VPP designation is OSHA's official recognition of the outstanding efforts of employers and employees who have created exemplary worksite safety and health management systems.

Quote: "Raytheon's Tewksbury, Massachusetts, facility continues to maintain a high level of workplace safety and health," said OSHA Regional Administrator Galen Blanton in Boston. "The site focuses on educating and training employees on ergonomics and the identification and use of furniture, devices and equipment to minimize ergonomic risks. Management and the site's craft union regularly collaborate on health and safety activities and improvements."

Learn more about OSHA.

Media Contacts:

Ted Fitzgerald, 617-565-2075, fitzgerald.edmund@dol.gov

James C. Lally, 617-565-2074, lally.james.c@dol.gov

Release Number: 23-1299-BOS

Source: Occupational Safety and Health Administration



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