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US Department of Labor recognizes Idaho agricultural chemical company continuous workplace safety record, renews 'Star' designation

Workplace Safety



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The following press release was published by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration on July 10. It is reproduced in full below.

US Department of Labor recognizes Idaho agricultural chemical company continuous workplace safety record, renews 'Star' designation

Participant: AMVAC Chemical Corp.

410 Simpkin Lane

Marsing, Idaho

Description: The U.S. Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Administration has again awarded star-level designation in its Voluntary Protection Programs to AMVAC, an agricultural chemical company in Marsing. OSHA recognized the company for its continued dedication to maintaining an exemplary worksite safety and health record that meets the high standard of VPP participation. The company has maintained its star designation for the last 20 years.

Background: The VPP Star is OSHA's highest level of recognition of employers and workers who have employed effective safety and health management systems and kept injury and illness rates below the Bureau of Labor Statistics' industry averages. The programs bring company management, site employees and OSHA together to work proactively to focus on hazard prevention and control, worksite analysis, training, management commitment and worker involvement to prevent fatalities, injuries and illnesses.

AMVAC Chemical Corp. is a subsidiary of American Vanguard Corp., a producer of agrochemicals and pesticide delivery systems based in Newport Beach, California.

Duration: AMVAC's VPP Star certification has been renewed for three years.

Quote: "OSHA commends AMVAC's continued dedication to workplace safety and health," said OSHA Regional Administrator Dorinda Hughes in Seattle. "Everyone at AMVAC should be proud of this achievement because retaining 'Star' status requires commitment from both management and workers."

Learn more about the VPP.

Media Contacts:

Michael Petersen, 415-625-2630, petersen.michael.w@dol.gov

Jose Carnevali, 415-625-2631, carnevali.jose@dol.gov

Release Number: 23-1531-SEA

Source: Occupational Safety and Health Administration



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