WASHINGTON - Today, Education and the Workforce Committee Chairwoman Virginia Foxx (R-NC) spoke on the House Floor to once again encourage President Biden to withdraw Julie Su’s nomination for Secretary of Labor.
“Julie Su has now exceeded the previous record for the longest duration between a Presidential cabinet nomination and a confirmation-when the same party controls the White House and the Senate-since 1887.
“It’s no surprise that Axios even dubbed her as ‘Biden’s forever nominee.’
“That’s not a title-and certainly not an accolade-worthy of a gold star or a pat on the back.
“For months on end, her nomination has languished before the Senate - this is a telltale sign that she does not have the votes.
“One doesn’t need to be an expert in reading tea leaves to see that her nomination is on life support.
“I’ll offer some much-needed advice to the Biden administration: rip the band-aid off already and pull Julie Su’s nomination."